Study Notes

  • CS50 – Scratch Project

    I finally managed to complete my Scratch Project for CS50. It took me almost two weeks…

  • M1D3: CS50 Lecture 0 – Scratch | Part 2

    Event – something graphical or interactive which happens in a computer program. Arguments or Parameters –…

  • M1D3: CS50 Lecture 0 – Scratch | Part 1

    “What ultimately matters is where you end up relative to yourself when you began.“ David Malan…

  • M1D2: Introduction to HTML

    Frontend Developer Roadmap Summary Here are a few more resources to add to your toolkit: HTML…

  • Introduction to HTML5

    DOM (Document Object Model) Clean Code – works on as many browsers as possible Dom provides…

  • UI Frameworks and Libraries

    This course from Coursera seems to lack expanded explanation while doing a walkthrough. There were some…

  • Data Science

    Data – building blocks for information. Data Science take data and transform it into meaningful information…

  • Web Development

    HTML – structures website content CSS – applies styling to websites JavaScript – adds interactivity to websites SQL –…

  • Loops

    A loop lets you repeat instructions multiple times without writing the instructions out multiple times. From:…

  • Lists

    Data structures are formats that we can use to keep track of our data in an…