
  • Been Hiatus

    I have been away for a while. Yes, this is one of the main challenge of…

  • Month 1 Day 16

    I feel like I am making progress on my Advanced CSS. I am still to finish…

  • Month 1, Day 14

    I have been on hiatus for a while, and I am just on the 14th day…

  • Learning to code at 37

    I started my journey when I was 34, which was over 2 years ago. It’s not…

  • Looking Ahead

    I have at least 3 full years ahead of me. Who knows what will happen? Can…

  • Almost a year learning Analytics

    Things are starting to get harder, but more interesting. I am starting to be torn between…

  • Finding Motivation

    I have been thinking about different things in my head. Things don’t get easier when I…