- Declare a new variable named petDog and give it the name Rex.
- Declare a new variable named petCat and give it the name Pepper.
- Console.log the petDog variable.
- Console.log the petCat variable.
- Console.log the text “My pet dog’s name is: “ and the petDog variable.
- Console.log the text “My pet cat’s name is: “ and the petCat variable.
- Declare another variable and name it catSound. Assign the string of “purr” to it.
- Declare another variable and name it dogSound. Assign the string of “woof” to it.
- Console.log the variable petDog, then the string “says”, then the variable dogSound.
- Console.log the variable petCat, then the string “says”, then the variable catSound.
- Reassign the value stored in catSound to the string “meow”.
- Console.log the variable petCat, then the string “now says”, then the variable catSound.
My Solution
var petDog = "Rex";
var petCat = "Pepper";
console.log("My pet dog's name is: " + petDog);
console.log("My pet cat's name is: " + petCat);
var catSound = "purr";
var dogSound = "woof";
console.log(petDog + " says " + dogSound);
console.log(petCat + " says " + catSound);
catSound = "meow"
console.log(petCat + " now says " + catSound);
Data Types
- String – text
- Number – numerical data
- Boolean – true or false (yes or no)
- Null – absence of value
- Undefined – unassigned value (variable)
- BigInt – very large numbers
- Symbol – unique identifier
Assignment Operators
+ – * /
Comparison Operators
Greater than
Less than
Equal to
Not equal to
Logical Operators
Check for both conditions to be true
Checks for at least one condition to be true
Returns false if the result is true
Operators control the flow of a program that meets certain criteria.
Number Data Type
Foundational data type that represents integers and decimal points.
returns 100 (10*10)
returns 1 (remainder is 1)
returns 0 (16 is divisible by 8, no remainder)
JavaScript follows PEMDAS (parentheses, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction)
A collection of characters enclosed in single quotes or double quotes.
These are strict equality – checks the value and the type.
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