– Website Style Guide Resources
Authoring/markup (HTML)
- process of preparing content for delivery on the web page, or more specifically, marking up the content with HTML tags that describe it’s content and function
- HTML (HyperText Markup Language) authoring language used to create web page documents
- HTML is not a programming language; it is a markup language, which means it is a system for identifying and describing the various components of a document.
Styling (CSS)
- Describe how that content should look.
- Presentation – the way the page looks
JavaScript and DOM scripting
- Scripting language that adds interactivity and behaviours to web pages
- DOM (Document Object Model) – standardized list of web page elements that can be accessed and manipulated using JavaScript (or another programming language)
JavaScript Framework
- React, Bootstrap, Angular, and others
- Automate a lot of the production process
AJAX – Asynchronous JavaScript And XML
- A technique used to load content in the background, allowing the page to update smoothly without reloading
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