M1D26 – Conditional Logic

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else and elseif

var name;

function setup() 
    name = "Simon";
    if(name == "Simon")
        console.log("Hello Simon!");
    else if(name == "Samantha")
        console.log("Hello Samantha");
    else if(name == "Scott")
        console.log("Hello Scott");
    else if(name == "Sabina")
        console.log("Hello Sabina");
        console.log("Hey I don't know you");
if(gameState == 0)
        gameState = 1;
        countdown = 1000;
    else if(gameState == 1)
        if(key == secretKey)
            gameState = 3;
        else if(key == hotKey)
            countdown += 15;
            if(floor(random(0,5)) == 0)
                gameState = 2;
    else if(gameState == 2)
        gameState = 0;
    else if(gameState == 3)
        gameState = 0;

else if

Allows us to set up multiple conditions for a chain together

//action 1
else if(/*condition 2*/)
//action 2
else if(/*condition 3*/)
//action 3
else //other conditions
//action 4, if no conditions are met

Rule in nesting – if the first action happens, it will no longer check the succeeding conditions. If two conditions is mandatory, nest the second set of conditions separately.

|| and &&

Logical operation || (OR)

if(A || B) //A or B 


if(gameState == 0)
        gameState = 1;
        countdown = 200;
    else if(gameState == 1)
        if(key == secretKey)
            gameState = 3;
        else if(key == hotKey || key == hotKey1 || key == hotKey2)
            countdown += 15;
        else if(random() > 0.5)
    else if(gameState == 2)
        gameState = 0;
    else if(gameState == 3)
        gameState = 0;

When working on same conditions, full conditions must be written. role == A || role == B and not role == A || B

Logical Operator && (or)

if(role == A && role == B)

Variables normally cannot have two values at the same time.

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