Study Notes
A function is a named sequence of instructions, packaged as a unit, that performs a specific…
Data Types
Data basic unit in programming. Data Type Primitives Numbers Strings Boolean values (True or False) Numbers…
Quiz – Subqueries & Temporary Tables
Provide the name of the sales_rep in each region with the largest amount of total_amt_usd sales. Step 1 – Get the MAX total_amt_usd per…
Subquery Example Challenge
Quiz What is the top channel used by each account to market products? How often was…
SQL Subqueries: Dependencies
Simple the inner subquery is completely independent from the outer query Correlated the inner subquery is…
Subquery Examples
Inline Subquery creates a table that you could then query again in the FROM statement Expert Tip Note…
SQL Subquery Formatting
The first concept that helps when thinking about the format of a subquery is the placement…
SQL Placements
Nested query within another query embedded within the WHERE clause when a user wants to filter…
Study Notes #22
SQL Subqueries & Temporary Tables Subquery a query within a query a query has both SELECT and FROM clauses to…
Study Notes #21
SQL GROUP BY allows creating segments that will aggregate independent from one another allows to take…